Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Electricity Supply

Previously, our main reason for choosing an electricity supply was cost. Plain and simple. We did a lot of research to get to the cheapest supply and cheaply paid for our electricity for quite sometime.

Then we woke up! It is not about how much money it is costing us per unit. It is about not using as many units in the first place! (this will be the subject of a later posting) Also, for the units that we have to use, get them from a company who will make a difference with our money.

Our original electricity supplier, we found out, would rather pay the fines associated with not producing the required amount of renewable energy than produce the measly 3% they are meant to! The dirty buggers.

Well, cue a 5 minute visit to Uswitch and we are now happily being supplied by Ecotricity, the wind turbine people. I could go on here about why I think they are worth every penny, but I won't, I'll let you go and see for yourself:


This year, we will be visiting the Ecotech Centre, where I may even be pursued to climb one of the turbines!! If, so - you'll definitely be the first to see the pictures from the top!

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